Yuhong Cao

Postdoc @ NUS ME


I am a postdoc fellow at National University of Singapore, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MARMot Lab. I did my PhD in NUS under the supervision of Dr. Guillaume Sartoretti. Before that, I got my bachelor degree in Beihang Univeristy in China.

I am interested in deep reinforcement learning for robotics, especially view and path planning. My work aims to develop advanced learning-based approaches with solid engineering implementation, for bringing intelligent robots to real-life applications.

In my spare time, I am a casual athlete in basketball and swimming. During my undergraduate, I was the captain of the department basketball team and the coach of the university swimming assiociation (However I found I spend less time on sports since I started my PhD :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:).


Sep 05, 2024 My co-author work on multi-robot adversarial search is accepted by CORL2024!
Aug 08, 2024 My co-author work on low-cost multi-UAV system development is accepted by ICCAS2024!
Jul 17, 2024 My co-author work on multi-agent flocking is accepted as extended abstract by ICRA@40!
Jul 02, 2024 My co-author paper on multi-robot exploration under bandwidth constratint has been accepted by DARS2024!
Jun 30, 2024 My co-author paper on multi-robot exploration under limited communication range has been accepted by IROS2024!
Mar 08, 2024 A new beginning! I am now a postdoc fellow at NUS ME.
Feb 29, 2024 Our paper on larg-scale robot exploration has been accepted by RA-L!
Feb 28, 2024 I obtained my PhD degree from NUS. Thanks to all who support me along this wonderful journey!
Jan 15, 2024 I passed the oral defense for my PhD thesis. A lot of thanks to my supervisor Prof. Guillaume Sartoretti and my examiners: Prof. Marcelo Ang and Prof. Chen Chao Yu Peter!
Sep 22, 2023 My co-author paper on multi-agent informative path planning is accepted by MRS2023!
Aug 31, 2023 My co-author paper on navigation in unknown environments is accepted by CoRL2023!
Jun 22, 2023 My co-author paper on persistent monitoring is accepted by IROS2023!
Jan 17, 2023 Our paper on autonomous robot exploration is accepted by ICRA2023!
Nov 21, 2022 Our team wins a golden prize in The 8th China International College Students’ “Internet+” Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition! Our project stands out as the final 200 golden-prize projects from more than one million teams.
Sep 10, 2022 Two papers accepted on the same day! My first paper on multiple traveling salesmen problem is accepted by DARS2022. Another paper on informative path planning is accepted by CoRL2022.
Feb 28, 2022 I transfered from master of engineering to dotor of philosophy! Sadly I can not be a “master” anymore :smile:.
Aug 03, 2020 I started my master of engineering in Department of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore, under the supervision of Dr. Guillaume Sartoretti.
Jun 30, 2020 I received my bachelor degree in mechanical engineering from School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Beihang University. I am also awarded as the outstanding graduate of Beihang University!
Sep 01, 2016 I started my bachelor in mechanical engineering at School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Beihang University.

Selected Publications

  1. drl_exploration.gif
    Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Large-scale Robot Exploration
    Yuhong Cao, Rui Zhao, Yizhuo Wang, Bairan Xiang, and Guillaume Sartoretti
    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2024
  2. ariadne.gif
    Ariadne: A reinforcement learning approach using attention-based deep networks for exploration
    Yuhong Cao, Tianxiang Hou, Yizhuo Wang, Xian Yi, and Guillaume Sartoretti
    In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) , 2023
  3. catnipp.gif
    CAtNIPP: Context-aware attention-based network for informative path planning
    Yuhong Cao, Yizhuo Wang, Apoorva Vashisth, Haolin Fan, and Guillaume Adrien Sartoretti
    In Conference on Robot Learning , 2022
  4. DAN.jpg
    Dan: Decentralized attention-based neural network for the minmax multiple traveling salesman problem
    Yuhong Cao, Zhanhong Sun, and Guillaume Sartoretti
    In International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems , 2022